Musical Can

An interactive experiment that tried to encourage others to recycle cans, just for a little bit.


At the design studio, I frequently see my fellow classmates not recycling cans and started wondering if there are ways to make recycling a more fun experience to encourage others to recycle more.

With that in mind, my partner & I started exploring different ways to address this problem, with the goal to encourage others to recycle more, even if it’s just for a little bit.


Explore & Ideate

After exploring different possibilities with the Makey Makey invention kit; we decided to hack an ordinary garbage can by tweaking its lid so that it plays music whenever someone recycles a soda can.


Testing & Discovery

Users mentioned that while it encouraged others to recycle more around the floor, it might disturb others late at night.


Potential Partnerships
The musical can partner with outdoor festivals, providing extra space and music for others to dance while saving the world!